Chicken Adults, Juveniles, Chicks & Hatching Eggs For Sale

by Colwyn Wickersham

We provide unique options available to our farms customers... We have been asked many times for either hatching eggs, chicks, juveniles or adults. We have heard those requests and ...


Now offering (for many of our breeds):

  • Juveniles (1-4 months old)
  • Adults 
  • Breeding pairs
  • Chicks
  • Hatching Eggs


When we share birds with you, we are partnering with you to provide great quality birds for enjoyment both in entertainment and food. Though we can point you in the right direction, no bird we provide will ever be perfect but we certainly strive for that. We can tell you the history of our breeds, how we breed, what we breed for, traits of our birds and much more.... 


For those looking to continue breeding with our stock, we believe in being a resource, providing education, videos and materials as we develop those to enhance your breeding and knowledge. This partnership, sharing of knowledge and education allows us to become better farmers together!




*** We cannot provide you a perfect bird, nor do we own a perfect bird. The work you put into your flock is what you will get out of your flock. We cannot do the work for you. ***