Location, Pick Up & Shipping
- Yes, we offer pick up for our grown hens.
- All of our baby chicks, ducks, geese and other products will be shipped to you. We do not have a store to come to.
In particular, our baby chicks and breeders are at our Texas farm and need to be shipped. Though the journey may be different than a local pickup, our proven shipping process ensures your chicks arrive just as healthy and vibrant. We also stand behind our practices by pioneering an industry first... protection for your chicks and investment in us with our guarantees including:
- 48-hour live chick guarantee upon arrival
- 115% store credit for any losses (yes, we give you MORE than you paid!) OR
- 100% refund to your original payment method for any losses
*See policies for further details
Because Arizona's heat is above 100 degrees, that stops us from shipping in the summertime, so by having our breeders at our Texas farm, we are able to ship year-round. The good news is and has always been, no matter where we personally reside with our birds, our goal is to support and provide access to poultry. That is why we breed for heat tolerance among many other decisions we tailor toward the Arizona community and hot weather locations because 95% of our birds support families in Arizona and hot weather states.
The locations of our farms we are generally able to provide chicks and hatching eggs year around.
The Arizona location is near Surprise, AZ, though we do not operate a store. It is our home and farm. The Arizona location manages our seasonally grown hen orders.
The Texas farm is located near Tyler, TX. The Texas location manages our breeders, baby chicks and quail. We ship year round from our Texas farm supporting families around the US.
Baby Chicks
We offer both sexed and unsexed ("straight run") chicks. Unsexed chicks have a 50/50 chance of being male or female. Since it takes 6 months for chicks to start laying eggs, we recommend ordering extra to ensure you'll have enough laying hens once they're grown and laying eggs. We also sell birds of various ages, including juveniles, adults, laying hens, pullets, and roosters. View our available breeds here ... For custom orders, please contact us.
No, we do not vaccinate our flock or baby chicks. We constantly monitor this with our poultry vet to ensure our birds are healthy and robust. We are tested yearly for diseases as NPIP participants and customers can be confident that they are receiving healthy, happy chicks from our farms. If you would like to learn more, we have article covering Mareks disease.
Our available chicks and eggs are always updated on our website. You can find the next available chicks here or contact us to curate a flock with you.
Did you know?... They don't crow till about 12 weeks at the absolute earliest, most later than that. We are tested for diseases and are restricted to only get poultry from other farms with the same certifications we have.
We have a couple options to provide for roosters...
1. Use him for food for the family, maybe you have a hunter in the family that could help. Often there are families that will buy or take the rooster for meat for their family.
2. Once hes older than four months old, Pratt's Pets (Glendale location) will purchase them from you for $10 per. If they're younger than four months, the Stock Shop will accept them if they have space.
3. You could also post them in the Arizona Backyard Chicken group on Facebook to rehome him. Just have to be VERY careful with your wording. Rehome, sale and wording like that is not allowed by FB.
4. Another app called MeWe you can rehome/sell there in the Arizona Backyard Chicken group but not nearly as many people in the group.
To join the group on MeWe: https://mewe.com/join/arizonabackyardchickens2
Definitely options out there. Hope this gives you some ideas. 👍😁🍻
Juveniles & Adults
Our website is up to date. You may find some hens available to come home now and others may be pre-ordered for a specific month or timeframe (Example: March or Early June). We're here to help! You can always give us a call or a text.
The timeframes listed are 98% of the time up to date. Juvenile and adult orders are generally pre-ordered. We grow all our juvenile/adult orders from an entire month and raise all of them at one time. This reduces our costs and in turn your costs for them. If you need a specific timeframe for your birds to ship, reach out to us and we can arrange that with you. We're flexible and here to help! Sometimes we have them on hand, just ask!
Our juveniles and adults are required to use express shipping by USPS. The fastest way we can get your birds to you.
Shipping costs are about $178 per box to ship. Each box can either handle 1-2 ADULTs or 1-5 JUVENILE birds. Keep this in mind when ordering the quantity. The most expensive is one or 2 bird shipments. Maximizing the shipment with 5 juveniles is recommended. It's all the same cost to ship due to the box size.
Depending the age interested in we may be able to maximize the shippping further, just reach out!
Hatching Eggs
Hatching Eggs ship year round, as long as it is not too cold or too hot in the intended destination. The bulk of our sales begin in January and continue through October. If a later order is desired, we can usually work something out with you. The eggs will be shipped from our Texas farm.
We ship Monday through Wednesday. Eggs are sent Priority mail through USPS and typically take 1-3 days to arrive. We pack our eggs in insulated foam shippers and additional boxing support on both ends of the box, to help minimize the damage that can happen during transit. View our TikTok page to see how we ship hatching eggs!